Antonin FABBRI

Date of birth : 25/06/1979

Address : ENTPE - 3 Rue Maurice Audin - 69120 Vaulx-en-Velin

e-mail :

Last update : 08/11/2013



Professional experience


Since 11/2011




Researcher – Civil Engineering Department, ENTPE


Research Engineer – Regolith and Reservoir Division, BRGM.



Post-doctoral position at the ENS Geology Lab (CNRS-ENS)



Teaching activities at the Civil Engineering polytechnics of Champs-sur-Marne









PhD thesis in Civil Engineering at University of Marne-la-ValléeLaboratoire Navier

Title : Physics and mechanics of cement submitted to frost-thaw cycles

Supervisor : Olivier Coussy



D.E.A. (eq. Master 2) MaiSE (ENS CachanE.N.P.C.)

Specialty: Materials. Grade: « Très bien ».




« Agrégation » of Civil Engineering, Specialization in structures and buildings (National competition to be a teacher at secondary school and University).




Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan

Magistère of Mechanics- Diploma ending the four years at the “Ecole Normale Superieure” of Cachan. Grade : « Bien »



Teaching activities



Since 01/2012




Teaching activities at ENTPE

-          Lecture of Continuum media mechanics

-          Practical works of Soil mechanics





Teaching activities at the polytechnics of Champs-sur-Marne

-          Tutorials of structures stability

-          Practical works of structures stability and informatics.


Scientific production



Keywords: Porous media, couplings, poromechanics, CO2 geological storage.


Project management






Leader of the project SALTCO (co-funded by ADEME and Partners)

Partners: BRGM (Leader), IFSTTAR, ENTPE.

Subject: Impact of salt crystallization on the permeability of reservoir rocks during CO2 injection.






Leader of the project INTERFACE (co-funded by ANR: French National Research Agency, and partners)

Partners: BRGM (Leader), IFSTTAR-ENPC, INPL/G2R-Nancy University, Schlumberger, ENSAM.

Subject: Chemo-mechanical behavior of the wellbore cement-reservoir-caprock interfaces during CO2 injection into a deep saline aquifer.





Leader of the project ARTENAY (co-funded by French Ministry of Research (DRRT), the regional Council “Région Centre”, the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and BRGM)

Partners: BRGM (Leader), LEO-Orleans University.

Subject: Technical and economic feasibility of the capture, transport and storage in deep aquifer of the CO2 that comes from biomass.


Publications in peer reviewed journals (preprint versions of most of the following publications are available here)

[23] F. Osselin, A. Fabbri, T. Fen-Chong, P. Dangla, J-M Pereira, A. Lassin (2014) Stress from NaCl crystallisation by carbon dioxide injection in aquifers, Environmental Geotechnics, DOI: 10.1680/envgeo.13.00057

[22] X. Lei, H. Wong, A. Fabbri, A. Limam, Y.M. Cheng (2014) A thermo-chemo-electro-mechanical framework of unsaturated expansive clay, Computer and Geotechnics 62, pp175-192

[21] P.A. Chabriac, A. Fabbri, J.C. Morel, J.P. Laurent, J. Blanc-Gonnet (2014) A Procedure to Measure the in-Situ Hygrothermal Behavior of Earth Walls, Materials 7, pp 3002-3020

[20] F. Osselin, T. Fen-Chong, A. Fabbri, A. Lassin, J-M Pereira, P. Dangla (2013) Dependence on injection temperature and on aquifer’s petrophysical properties of the local stress applying on the pore wall of a crystallized pore in the context of CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers, The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 64: pp 21101

[19] S. Dupraz, A. Fabbri, C. Joulian, M-C Dictor, F. Battaglia-Brunet, B. Ménez, C. Crouzet, B. Henry, F. Garrido (2013) Biogeochemical impact of CO2 concentration on autotrophic metabolisms in saline aquifers - A case study, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 119, 61-76

[18] V. Vallin, J.M. Pereira, A. Fabbri, H. Wong (2013), Numerical modelling of the hydro-chemo-mechanical behaviour of geomaterials in the context of CO2 injection, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 37, 3052-3069.

[17] J.E. Aubert, A. Fabbri, J.C. Morel, P. Maillard (2013), An earth block with a compressive strength higher than 45 MPa!, Construction and Building Materials 47, 366-369.

[16] A. Fabbri, T. Fen-chong (2013), Indirect measurement of the ice content curve of partially frozen porous media Cold Regions Science and Technology 90-91, pp14-21

[15] J.C. Morel, J.E. Aubert, Y. Millogo, E. Hamard, A. Fabbri (2013) Some observations about the paper "Earth construction: Lessons from the past for future eco-efficient construction" by F. Pacheco-Torgal and S. Jalali Construction and Building Materials 2012; 29:512-9, Construction & Building Materials 44, 419-421.

[14] T. Fen-chong, A. Fabbri, M. Thiery, P. Dangla (2013) Poroelastic analysis of partial freezing in cohesive porous materials, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80, 021038.

[13] F. Wertz, F. Gherardi, P. Blanc, A.-G. Bader, A. Fabbri (2013) Cement CO2-alteration propagation at well-caprock interface and influence of diffusion. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 12 pp 9-17

[12] Ph. Blanc, A. Lassin, P. Piantone, M. Azaroual, N. Jacquemet, A. Fabbri, E.C. Gaucher (2012) Thermoddem: a geochemical database focused on low temperature water/rock interactions and waste materials, Applied Geochemistry 27, pp2107-2116.

[11] A. Fabbri, N. Jacquemet, D.M. Seyedi, (2012) A chemo-mechanical model of oilwell cement carbonation under CO2 geological storage conditions, Cement and Concrete Research 42 pp 8-19.

[10] A. Laude, O. Ricci, G. Bureau, J. Royer-Adnot, A. Fabbri (2011) CO2 Capture and Storage from a Bioethanol Plant: Carbon Footprint and Economic Assessment, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 5, pp1220-1231.

[9] J. Corvisier, F. Brunet, A. Fabbri, S. Bernard, N. Findling, G. Rimmelé, V. Barlet-Gouédard, O. Beyssac, B. Goffé, (2010) Raman mapping and numerical simulation of calcium carbonates distribution in experimentally carbonated Portland cement cores, European Journal of Mineralogy 22 pp 63-74.

[8] A. Fabbri, J. Corvisier, A. Schubnel, F. Brunet, B. Goffé, G. Rimmele, V. Barlet-Gouédard, (2009) Effect of carbonation on the hydro-mechanical properties of Portland cements, Cement and Concrete Research 39 pp 1156-1163.

[7] A. Fabbri, T. Fen-Cong, A. Azouni, J-F. Thimus. (2009) Investigation of water to ice phase change in porous media by ultrasonic and dielectric measurements, Journal of Cold Regions Engineering 23 pp 69-90.

[6] A. Fabbri, O. Coussy, T. Fen-Chong, P.J.M Monteiro (2008) Are deicing salt necessary to promode scaling in concrete ?, Journal of Engineering Mechanics 134 pp 589-598.

[5] A. Fabbri, O. Coussy, T. Fen-Chong (2007) Influence of the permeability on the frost-thaw behaviour of concrete, Revue Européenne de Génie Civil 11 pp751-761.

[4] T. Fen-Chong, A. Fabbri, A. Azouni. (2006) Transient freezing–thawing phenomena in water-filled cohesive porous materials, Cold Regions Science and Technology 46 pp 12-26

[3] A. Fabbri, T. Fen-Chong, O. Coussy. (2006) Dielectric capacity, liquid water content, and pore structure of thawing-freezing materials, Cold Regions Science and Technology 44 pp 52-66

[2] T. Fen-Chong, A. Fabbri. (2005) Freezing and thawing porous media: Experimental study with a dielectric capacitive method, Comptes Rendus Mecanique 333 pp 425-430.

[1] T. Fen-Chong, A. Fabbri, JP. Guilbaud, O. Coussy. (2004) Determination of liquid water content and dielectric constant in porous media by the capacitive method, Comptes Rendus Mecanique 332 pp 639-645.


Selection of publications in peer reviewed proceedings


(11) H Wong, BT Lai, A Fabbri, D Branque, M Morvan (2014) Bounding Surface Plasticity (BSP) approach to model behaviour of unsaturated soils using a non-associative flow rule, Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications

(10) F. Osselin, A. Fabbri, T. Fen-Chong, J.M. Pereira, A. Lassin, and P. Dangla (2013) Poromechanics of salt nucleation within a unsaturated reservoir rock. 5th Biot Conference on Poromechanics.

(9) T. Fen-Chong, P. Dangla, A. Fabbri, P.J.M. Monteiro (2013) Poroelastic contribution to freezing in cement paste. 5th Biot Conference on Poromechanics.

(8) S. Sy, A. Fabbri, Isaline Gravaud, D. Seyedi (2012) Evaluation of the CO2 leakage risk along the abandoned wells in the French context. Energy Procedia 23 pp 480 – 486

(7) V. Vallin, J.-M. Pereira, A. Fabbri, H. Wong, N. Jacquemet (2011) Numerical study of the chemo-poro-mechanical behaviour of the cement sheath during CO2 injection, Coupled Problems 2011 - IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Kos : Grèce.

(6) A. Fabbri, Bouc, G. Bureau, C. Catagnac, F. Chapuis, X. Galiègue, A. Laude, Y. Le Gallo, S. Grataloup, O. Ricci, J. Royer-Adnot, C. Zammit (2011) From Geology to Economics : Technico-economic feasability of a biofuel-CCS system, Energy Procedia 4 pp 2901-2908.

(5) D. Bonijoly, A. Fabbri; F. Chapuis, A. Laude, O. Ricci, H. Bauer, S. Grataloup, X. Galiegue (2009) Technical and economic feasibility of the capture and geological storage of CO2 from a bio-fuel distillery: CPER Artenay project, Energy Procedia 1 pp  3927-3934.

(4) A. Fabbri; N. Jacquemet; D. Seyedi (2009) Modelling of the Chemio-Mechanical Behaviour of a Wellbore Cement Plug in a Context of CO2 Storage, Poro-Mechanics IV pp 189-195.

(3) F. Brunet F, J. Corvisier, A. Fabbri, S. Bernard, N. Findling, G. Rimmele, V. Barlet-Gouedard, O. Beyssac, B. Goffe (2009) Calcium carbonates distribution in experimentally carbonated Portland cement cores, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 pp A166-A166

(2)T. Fen-Chong, A. Fabbri, A. Azouni, O. Coussy (2008) Physico-mechanical behaviour of cement structures under freezing, Advances in Concrete Structural Durability, Proceedings of ICDCS2008, Vols 1&2, pp 872-877

(1) A. Fabbri, T. Fen-Chong, O. Coussy, A. Azouni (2006) Experimental and theoretical investigations of the behaviour of a partially frozen cement paste, Eurock 2006 Multiphysics Coupling and Long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechanics, pp 63-68



Reviewer for : Cement and Concrete Research, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Environmental Technology, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vadose Zone Journal, Construction & Building Materials.